CPD workshops

 “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” ~W.B. Yeats

About CPD Workshops with me……

I offer continuing professional development (CPD) workshops for counselling practitioners. Having worked a counselling tutor, and external assessor I am experienced at developing and delivering learning experiences on a variety of areas within counselling and therapy. I am passionate about practitioner development and am building a diverse portfolio of workshops.


The questions you asked provoked a deeper level of thinking and helped me to access a view of myself and my practice that I wasn’t able to recognise before.” (Feedback from ‘Defining Your Practitioner Identity’ workshop)

“It was well paced, thought provoking and really helpful in helping me reflect on who I am as a practitioner.” (Feedback from ‘Defining Your Practitioner Identity’ workshop)

For details of upcoming workshops please see our Events page.


Working with the Body in Talking Therapy‘ (next workshop – TBC)

How and why should practitioners work with the body (both their own, and clients) in talking therapy? This experiential workshop aims to start to answer that question, helping you go beyond the question ‘where do you feel that in your body?’ How can we help our clients and ourselves connect with the body in talking therapy and what impact can this have on the therapeutic process?

This workshop is aimed at qualified and trainee counsellors and psychotherapists.

‘Defining Your Practitioner Identity’ (next workshop – TBC)

This workshop is aimed at qualified counsellors and therapists who would like to define just who they are as a practitioner.

Using aspects of the BACP Ethical Framework to shape our thinking and discussion we will work reflectively both in groups and individually, to identify and articulate what makes us unique as practitioners.

This workshop aims to help you:
– develop a stronger sense of yourself as a practitioner
– identify your strengths and guiding principles
– identify areas for development and plan CPD needs
– practice writing and communicating about yourself as a practitioner

And will be useful for practitioners who are:
– Looking for accreditation
– Designing websites or online directory profiles
– Looking to enhance assessment calls and contracting
– Preparing job applications and CVs

This workshop is available via Onlinevent’s on-demand library